    Your web site is very
    nice and easy to get
    around in. I've only
    been growing orchids
    for about 8 months but
    one thing I look for
    now a days, is what
    the whole plant looks
    like. I've got a couple
    of cattleya's that look
    like a tornado hit
    them. All twisted and
    growing every which
    way. Pretty flowers but
    not pretty enough to
    enable me to like
    looking at the plant
    everyday. One I have
Thanks for the Photo Lori!
You're growing her beautifully!!
    Hi Ken,                                                                                                                   08/15/06

    The African violet you gave me for my wife is still blooming.  Thanks
    much, she is quite happy with it.  It sparked her interest in violets
    to the point that she purchased 7 plants.

    That's GREAT Pete!!  African Violets can be addictive, just like orchids.  Tell your
    wife we'll be carrying more African Violets in the very near future - just as soon
    as we can fine the time to post them to our store web site!
    beautiful to look at all the time and it just so happens I bought it
    from orchidenterprise!! So, my idea would be for you to put a
    picture of the plant along with the flower picture or the whole
    plant in bloom. Maybe also mention the approximate height the
    plant is expected to get. Most experienced people probably
    already know these things but us greenhorns don't. I'm not sure
    if this would help your sales or not but I thought I'd see what
    you thought about it. Thanks for your time.
    A happy customer,  Lori
    Thanks Lori!    We're actually trying to do that now. Our goal is to
    have two pictures for every plant we sell. We'll try and put a
    picture of the flower above the description and the little photo
    beside the description (called the insert) will be another photo
    of either the plant for sale, or what the plant will look like when
    fully grown.  
    We'd like to post a lot more information on each plant too, as
    you suggest, but time is our enemy. Ideally we'd like to list the
    flower size, plant hight, say if there is a fragrance or not, how
    long the flowers last and other such stuff, but we simply don't
    have the time. We've seen other web sites that do list a lot
    more information but had found them to be rather cumbersome.
    We're trying to keep information brief to reduce download times
    We also hope that people know that they can send us a quick
    email and we try to be prompt with answers to any questions
    our customers might have. We're here to help.
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    I have two oncidiums I need to repot. what pot is best?

    Greetings Lohna!, I like to use plastic pots. The roots of your plants have less of a tendency to stick to the sides of the pot. I end up damaging the roots of plants in clay
    pots because they simply won't release themselves without breaking.  
    Use the size pot that the roots will fit into comfortably and still allow room for mix to surround the roots.  You're better under-potting than over-potting.
    Also, be sure to re-pot every year.  Keep the mix fresh and clean.  The bacteria and fungus that breaks down the mix, can infect the roots and eventually rot the roots.  
    That's why it's so important to re-pot every year.
    I don't know what kind of Oncidium you are re-potting, but you want to use a mix that compliments the roots.  Generally speaking, smaller roots need a smaller mix and
    larger roots need a larger mix.

    I hope this helps - Ken